Support for Madeleine McCann and her family
Hi Friends and fans, something that we have not spoken about too much here on the Cliff…As If web site is our on-going support for Madeleine McCann and her lovely mum and dad Kate and Gerry, and the twins Sean and Amalie, who are known to us here at our office in Rothley. Madeleine was abducted a year ago on 3rd May, and at the anniversary service I was given the privilege of leading the congregations of our local churches in a prayer for Madeliene, her family and all missing children of the world. Cliff…As If are determined to assist in keeping thoughts of Madeleine in the minds of the public, and so at each concert there will be some sort of mention of Madeleine in one way or another. If you would like a copy of the prayer that I said, then please mail to me your details and I will get a copy to you so maybe you too can pray for Madeleine and her family every day like we do. Love, Will x