Success on the Costa Blanca!
I am pleased to announce that the mini tour of the Costa Blanca with the Cliff and Elvis 2000 tribute show was a rip roaring succcess, each venue was sold out and full to bursting, which along with the spotlights made things pretty hot on stage. The audiences loved the great music and the standing ovations after every show were a testament to what we achieved.
A big thanks to Peter and Fiona from Jukebox Legends for their hard work and dedication in enabling this all to take place, and their more than able helpers Carol and Colin who worked like trojans. Also to Peter for being a great Elvis. The Cliff versus Elvis banter was hilarious (:
We have been booked to do it all again next year but this time there are at least 8 venues. The show may even appear in the UK in January 2012 so look out for news about this and other Cliff…As If events here on the blog page as well as Facebook.
God bless and peace to you,
Will Chandler.