So Thrilled!
Hi dear Friends,
Just a short report by me on seeing Cliff Richard and The Shadows at the Nottingham Arena last Wednesday 30th Septmeber 2009. It was such an amazing concert as the boys put together a musical extravaganza to thrill. Cliff and the Shads did lots of their old famous songs and the Shadows did a couple of sets on their own, which altogether made it a night to remember. Cliff looked great and gave us all a demonstration of his well know moves.
I am just sad that I can’t get to another show on the tour, but this one will live long in the memory for sure. It was made extra special for me by the lovely Cliffettes Anne, Angie, Julie, Lisa and Sue that accompanied me, and also for the many people who wanted photos of me! The interval was packed with people asking for my picture to be taken with the, and the end of the show brought the same result. In fact our gang was probably the last to leave the auditorium. A big thanks to my Cliffettes for making the evening so memorable for me and especially to Anne T. for getting me a ticket at the front and right in the middle.
It is so great being associated with Sir Cliff, and may it long continue! (-:
Peace and Love, Will x