Meeting Cliff

Hi friends and fans,

What a great day we all had on Sunday (12/10/08). Sir Cliff Richard and I actually got together in London for a chin wag, and an interview. Tony Wadsworth from BBC Radio Leicester came along to record the event, oh and I forgot to mention  that it was Tony who set up the whole thing in the first place along with his contacts at BBC Radio London (Thanks Tony). It was good to meet Cliff, and to explain to him the concept of Cliff…As If. Cliff was amazed at my look, and called me Cliff. In fact when he met me, he said that it was just like meeting himself! The whole day was eventful. Cliff was late getting to the studio for his Radio London interview because of a delayed flight from Dublin. He actually arrived 2 minutes before we did. There was a host of people waiting outside the studio doors, and they looked really confused when I jumped out of a cab outside the studio just two minutes after Cliff. They all called me over and were amazed too at my look. Even the receptionist at the studio looked confused when we entered. We could tell he was thinking that he’d just let Cliff in, and now he wants to come in again! When the meeting was over, I left the studio and had to get a cab back to where my car was parked. I was frantically waving for a cab when from behind me came some voices calling for me to come over. In fact they really thought that I was Cliff! I went over, had a chat and shook their hands, and at that point a taxi stopped. I jumped in and sped off. I am still not sure whether or not they thought I was Cliff, but they certainly did in the first place. All in all it was a lovely day, and to top it alloff the weather was wonderful. There is so much more that I could say, but maybe if we meet at anytime in the future I can fill you in on the finer details if you are interested. Just one other note, the Kirby Muxloe gig on Saturday evening was I feel the best show I have done so far. It sounded great, the audience were amazing (a full house), and I had two encores! My dancer were excellent too. Oh, and I have a new group on Facebook called? Yes you guessed it, ‘Cliff As if’ so please look in for regular news and updates. Love to all and God bless, Will x

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