Cliff As If HQ Moving to Manchester

Hello dear frinds,

Thank you for looking into the ‘Cliff As If’ blog page.

After a great deal of consideration it has been decided that for the forseeable future the interests of ‘Cliff As If’ are to be better served by being based in Manchester, and so it is envisaged that the move will take place in July/August this year.  We will be sorry to leave Leicestershire as this was the birth place of the act and I in paticular have made many friends here, but this is a positive step forward for ‘Cliff As If’ as an act and for me personally too. It will always be a pleasure to return to Leicestershire to do shows and keep in regular contact with the lovely people that have been a part of the ‘Cliff As If’ world.

The shows continue to pour in and as I type this blog there are 23 already booked in in various parts of the UK. If you go to the ‘Cliff As If’ group page on Facebook and look at my events, you will se a list of where ‘Cliff as If’ is going to be performing.

May God richly bless you with love and peace, and “power to all my friends.”

With best wishes, and on behalf of eveyone involved with ‘Cliff As If’,


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