‘Cliff As If’ Update
Exciting News! For those of you who have been following Cliff As If, you’ll know that in early 2022, Will Chandler was diagnosed with malignant melanoma that had spread to his lungs and brain. Given a terminal prognosis, he was not expected to survive beyond two years. However, we are thrilled to share that not only…
Read MoreHattie Chandler and her band ‘Pretty Yesterdays’
‘Cliff As If’ is pleased to present to you the music of Hattie Chandler and her band ‘Pretty Yesterdays’. They have created a lovely sound with original songs, which include a skilful blend of vocals and instrumentation. I’m sure you’ll agree that this group of youngsters are very talented indeed and that’s why ‘Cliff As…
Read MoreMy New Year Resolution
Thank you for popping in to read this short blog. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. One of my resolutions for 2022 is to have at least one new blog for each month of the year so please look in and see if I’m managing to stick to it.…
Read MoreCliff on Tour
On Tuesday 26th October 2021 I was fortunate enough to see Sir Cliff Richard in concert at the Royal Albert Hall. The show was amazing and once again Sir Cliff delivered his repertoire of songs in the style we have all come to expect from the Peter Pan of Pop. At 81 years old Sir…
Read MoreCliffaGrams are still available during the Covid 19 lockdown.
Hello dear friends and supporters, I thought I’d update you on what I’ve been doing since the outbreak of the Coronavirus here in the UK. Like all of those in the entertainment industry I’ve had to cease from public performances for the time being and as things stand it seems that may be the case…
Read MoreFake News Finished?
Has Fake News Finally Had Its Day? We have heard a great deal about fake news recently and people are told to be on their guard so not to be drawn in by the falseness of these claims. But in my opinion for many years we have been bombarded with fake news by many in…
It’s been ten years since the concept of ‘Cliff… As If’ began and now here we are in 2017 looking back on a very eventful decade. ‘Cliff… As If’ is now one of the most used tribute acts in the UK and in the top three of Cliff Richard tributes. I must admit that at…
Read MoreRelief All Around For Us All
THE PAST TWO YEARS. On Thursday 16th June 2016 the Crown Prosecution Service announced that they had dismissed the sexual allegations case that had been brought against Sir Cliff Richard by the South Yorkshire Police. Cliff fans around the world celebrated this news and Sir Cliff himself was relieved that after almost two years of…
Read MoreLatest News from ‘Cliff As If’
Hi to all of you who are reading my latest blog. I’m using this rare opportunity to update as my feet hardly touch the ground these days. Life and work have become so exciting and busy in recent times. I hope that I can even manage to think of all the things I need to…
Read MoreHappy New Year 2015
Seasonal Greetings to you. I’m writing this blog on one of those peaceful Christmas days when friends and family are going about their usual business and I have a few moments to sit down and get online. I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to all those (family, friends, bands, agents, promoters, Website folk, etc)…
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